Mathematicians sign letter in support of Azat
Signatures continue to be added to the letter on the Mediapart website demanding the release of Azat Miftakhov. Among the signatories are mathematicians
Ahmed Abbes director of research at IHES (Hautes Études Scientifiques), France
Alexander Shen, researcher LIRMM (Laboratoire d’informatique, de robotique et de microélectronique de Montpellier), France
Alexander Borovik, professor of mathematics, USA
Alexei Muravitsky, professor of mathematics at Northwestern State University, Louisiana, USA
Benoît Connétable, member of teachers syndicate, mathematician, PhD, France
Ilya Kapovich, professor of mathematics at Hunter College of CUNY, USA
Lev Glebsky, professor of mathematics, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico
René Pilato, member of the party “La France insoumise”, professor of mathematics, France
Leonid Prigozhin, mathematician, emeritus professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
A new case is opened against Azat
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